
Hive en la Radio

viernes, 21 de enero de 2022

Winged in Trouble



Tomé mi cámara y me dispuse a dar una vuelta, tenía toda una montaña por explorar, pero apenas 5 minutos de camino me tropecé con un pequeño pajarito, indefenso, mirando a su alrededor. Aproveche de capturarlo en la lente, estudiando la escena noté de donde provenía. Imagino que cayo de su nido y al no saber volar esta expuesto a cualquier depredador.

I took my camera and started to go for a walk, I had a whole mountain to explore, but just 5 minutes on the way I ran into a little bird, defenseless, looking around. Take advantage of capturing it on the lens, studying the scene I noticed where it came from. I imagine that it fell from its nest and by not knowing how to fly it is exposed to any predator.


El nido se encontraba muy alto, no pude llevarlo de regreso a su hogar. Tal vez tendría hermanitos, tal vez se sintió muy confiado e intentó volar, quien sabe?

The nest was very high, I could not take it back to its home. Maybe he would have little brothers, maybe he felt very confident and tried to fly, who knows?


Luego de un rato tuve que seguir mi camino, nuestro amigo no dejaba de mirarme con curiosidad, no mostraba miedo, con paciencia y simpatía seguía en su lugar, muy tranquilo la verdad a pesar de su aprieto. Realmente espero un final feliz para él.

Las maravillas de Dios son infinitas.

After a while I had to continue on my way, our friend would not stop looking at me with curiosity, he did not show fear, with patience and sympathy he remained in his place, very calm indeed despite his predicament. I really hope a happy ending for him.

The wonders of God are endless.

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